Send email to [email protected] for non-urgent issues, [email protected] for urgent problem reports, or [email protected] for peering requests. All inquiries will be held confidential.
The preferred choice of connection will depend upon the location. Typical connections are 1Gb & 10Gb (SFP based). Please contact us for information on other port speeds.
We would be happy to discuss once we are up and running.
1Gbps and 10Gbps connections are $1200/year with a one-time setup fee of $250 which includes an SFP and patch cable. For connection speeds faster than 10Gbps please email us at [email protected].
YXEIX was built upon donations. We are very interested in receiving SFP optics, switches, or money to continue our work. We have listed our contributors on a seperate page along with ways of donating.
Internet Exchanges are not ISPs (Internet Service Providers). No traffic, bandwidth or other services are being sold by YXEIX.
The simple, noble goal is to create a meeting place where Western Canadian networks can directly exchange some of their traffic efficiently on an ethernet switch without additional costs.
Many Internet Service Providers provide their services at the locations where YXEIX has switches. YXEIX does not intend to compete with the internet service providers, but instead complement their services to improve local Internet performance.
Similar to AMS-IX and TORIX, the switch ports are configured with a variety of port-security features so that one peer cannot damage another's experience. If port-security is triggered, the port will appear "dead" for a little while.
These requirements are not unique to YXEIX. The introductions and sample configurations at AMS-IX or SWISSIX, or other internet exchanges can be valuable. Our operators will help peers, and hope to provide samples of our own in the future.
The internet exchange switch is a fabric shared by all peers. Peers must avoid doing anything which might overload the fabric, mis-direct traffic, or otherwise cause harm to any other peers. If a peer shows a willful disregard for others, they will be disconnected by the operators. The full set of Exchange Participation Rules are published.
Send us an email telling us about your network and requesting a port. All inquiries will be held confidential.
Our route servers perform actions based upon many industry standard BGP communities. A detailed document explains these.
Please see our Locations list for datacenter contact information to make arrangements for a cross-connect.
No other services at available at this time.